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    We should end Gerrymandering through non-partisan redistricting commissions!

    Gerrymandering artificially reduces the voice of minority voters, results in non-competitive races, favors incumbents, and leads to the election of more extreme candidates. Gerrymandering is the practice of manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts for political gain. It involves strategically redrawing the district boundaries to favor a particular political party, incumbent politicians, or specific demographic groups. Gerrymandering can be done in various ways, including packing and cracking. Packing is concentrating supporters of an opposing party into a few districts, resulting in their wasted votes and limited influence in other districts. Cracking is dividing supporters of an opposing party across multiple districts to dilute their voting power and prevent them from gaining a majority in any district. The purpose of gerrymandering is to manipulate election outcomes, typically by favoring one political party over others. This can lead to uncompetitive elections, reduced representation of certain communities, and a lack of responsiveness to the electorate's preferences.  When districts are heavily skewed in favor of one party, elected officials may not face significant competition from the opposing party. This can result in a lack of accountability and reduced incentives for politicians to moderate their views or seek compromise, potentially leading to more extreme and polarized positions. *Created with the help of AI.