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Key points: Eliminating the black market will eliminate most drug cartels and drug dealers, and thus reduce crime rates, incarcerations, drug overdoses, and enforcement costs. While vodka, when abused, can be a deadly substance, there is no vodka overdose epidemic, and we don't witness vodka gangs or vodka-related drive-by shootings because vodka is legal. Adopting a system where doctors prescribe drugs from safe suppliers while also providing recovery counseling would be far more effective than drug dealers pushing unsafe substances on addicts. The illegal drug trade serves as the primary source of income for gangs in the United States. When drugs are expensive, addicts often resort to committing crimes to support their addictions. The war on drugs can be held responsible for over 35% of arrests and incarcerations. According to the CDC, 85% of drug overdoses are linked to black market drugs, which are often produced without quality control measures, leading to a higher risk of overdoses.
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